american catholic surnames

National Library of Ireland: Parish Registers, galway: Conealy (also commonly spelled Conneely and Connolly). O'Doherty 16. #42 ADAMS Family of Adam. #505 FLOYD From the Welsh Lloyd or Llwyd, meaning grey. #338 LEONARD With the strength of a lion. #46 RIVERA From the shore or bank of a river. #885 CASE Occupational surname for someone who makes boxes, cases, or chests. #840 RANDOLPH Shield Wolf. Geographically speaking, most of Ireland is within the predominantly Catholic Irish Republic. Most likely an occupational surname for someone who made axes or used them (like a lumberjack). #846 PENNINGTON From the town with a livestock enclosure. #120 GRAHAM People who lived in or near a gravelly homestead a contraction of the name Grantham (like Downton Abbey) #176 BOYD Scottish surname, from the Celtic term boidhe meaning fair or yellow. Many Hispanic people in the U.S. continue traditions of double-barrel surnames. #128 BRYANT Family of Brian. #199 SPENCER Occupational surname for a butler or steward of a manor. The Japanese Tamio became Tommy for everyday usage. Literally means River enclosure. #748 ENGLISH Person from England. Literally means the beacon/lighthouse. Nevertheless, some surnames make it somewhat likely that somewhere along the line there was an Irish ancestor who was probably Catholic. #863 FELIX Originally a term of endearment, meant happy one. #33 ALLEN Little rock. #2 JOHNSON Son of John. For women, taking their husbands last name became a symbol of accepting his authority. Anne Catherine Emmerich), and Lydia. #961 OCONNELL Descendant of Conaill. #332 CRAIG Lives near the outcropping of rocks. 2 Bd, 2 Ba. #781 BARR From the great hill. #584 VALENZUELA Habitational surname from several places named Valenzuela in Spain. #799 LOWERY Family of Lawrence. (2021, February 16). Its incorrect. #744 MACDONALD Son of Donald. They printed her a license in which Hernndez was listed as the middle name and Grande as the last name, shortening her name to Alcia H. Grande. Meet the 6 American Black Catholics who are on the road to sainthood #856 VALENTINE Strong, healthy, valiant. #563 McKENZIE Scottish Gaelic clan name meaning Son of Coinneach, literally meaning fair one. If you find a surname in the list that is of interest to you, send a query to: Eileen Swanberg(<== Click HERE) about that surname, along with the Member number (s) from the search results. Icelanders, meanwhile, dont have family last names, instead taking surnames that reflect a parents first name. We'll also look at the race and ethnic origin of people in the United States who are named Catholic. #489 SCHROEDER German occupational surname for a tailor. #348 WATTS Family of Walter. #542 STOKES From the Old English stoc meaning trunk of a tree. #442 GARNER Contraction of Gardener or occupational surname for someone who was in charge of the storehouse (granary). #439 McGEE Gaelic surname meaning Son of Aodh, meaning fire. #809 ELLISON Son of Ellis/Elias/Elijah. As they opt for an array of surnames, hyphenated or otherwise, they might shift the countrys norms too. #5 JONES - From the family of Jon/John. #762 CORDOVA Habitational surname for a family from the ancient city of Crdoba, Spain. #204 HANSEN Son of Hans. #485 WISE Wise or educated person. #644 VILLA Homestead. #379 ZIMMERMAN Occupational surname for a master carpenter. #591 SUMMERS Occupational surname for a sumpter a person who drove pack mules or horses. #376 CABRERA From the place of goats. Straight, married couples in the U.S. still almost always give kids the fathers last name. #451 GOODMAN Man of god, or landowner. #790 CUEVAS Habitational surname for someone who lived in or near caves. #127 HAYES Lives in or near an enclosure. #742 DYER Occupational surname for someone who dyed either cloth or hair or hide. Is your family name on the list? #22 PEREZ Son of Pedro (Pedrez/Perez). Literal meaning unknown. #828 BRAVO Brave, proven in battle. #973 SIERRA Spanish surname meaning mountain range used for families living in or near the Galicia and Asturias regions of northern Spain. #179 SALAZAR From Salazar, Spain. #893 VAUGHAN Welsh descriptional surname meaning small, little. #181 WARREN Lives near a warren/animal enclosure. Black Creoles of Louisiana. #595 CLAYTON From the village of clay (on clay ground). Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, Series 2-1 Surname Index: This index provides limited access to Marquette's premiere record body with genealogical value -- the Native American school attendance records with over 25,000 surnames from 76 Catholic elementary and secondary schools in 15 states, 1890s-1977. #670 CISNEROS From Cisneros in the province of Palencia, Spain. While Smith remains the most common U.S. surname, for the first time, two Hispanic namesGarcia and Rodriguezmade the top 10. The United States has long been a melting pot for various cultures from across the globe. When she and her mother pointed out the error, she said officials told her that they couldnt add spaces in the last-name column. #631 WALL Lives near a city wall or enclosure. #340 CARRILLO Spanish surname, literally means cheek. From cart/wagon, so it may be occupational. #129 HERRERA Occupational surname for an iron worker (ferrier). #175 ROBERTSON Son of Robert. #219 ALVARADO From the white land. #646 ALLISON Unknown meaning, but possibly son of Alan. If Michael Houlihan immigrated to the U.S four generations ago from predominantly Catholic Southern Ireland (now The Irish Republic), his fourth generation descendant may be as little as 6.25 percent genetically Irish. #121 REYNOLDS Family or son of Reginald, or the King (rey). #229 CONTRERAS From the town of Contreras, Spain. Few scholars argue that passing down a fathers last name is wrong for any given family, but the aggregate statistics point to an enduring patriarchal culture. #931 CANO Spanish/Portugal surname referring to a cave, or a French/Italian occupational surname occupational for someone who supplied cane/reeds for thatching. #472 ZHANG Chinese surname meaning archer. Hear ye! Doyle 13. #426 RIVAS From the sea side or river bank. #621 RANDALL Son of Rand/Rande. Grain, wood, etc. #874 NAVA Habitational surname from many towns named Nava in Spain, literally meaning treeless plateau. #192 WEAVER Occupational surname for a weaver of cloth. #74 KELLY Irish surname meaning bright headed or red-headed. #274 WONG Variation of the Korean surname Huang, which literally means shiny or yellow. Courteous. #528 POPE Occupational surname. #516 ANDRADE Habitational name for people who lived in the small parish of San Martio de Andrade in the town of Pontedeume, Galicia in Spain. #435 GILL Nickname for William. Begin learning more about yourself and your heritage. #746 GUEVARA From Guevara, Spain. $3,500/mo. In the U.S., patrilineal surnames have long been the normin 1881, a New York court said that the common law among all English speaking people demanded that wives give up their last name. #623 KIRK Literally means church and could be a habitational surname for someone who lived near a church or occupational for someone who worked in a church, like a pastor. Black Creole culture in southern Louisiana derives from contact and synthesis in the region over nearly three centuries between African slaves, French and Spanish colonists, gens libres de couleur (free people of color), Cajuns . #698 KOCH German occupational surname for a cook or kitchen manager. #109 HENDERSON Son of Hendrick/Hendry. In fact, the suffix "-ez" in Spanish names is a patronymic addition, akin to "son". #183 MEYER Mayor. Although it currently means the religious leader of the Catholic church, it was a title used for clergy of any rank. #468 MACK Son of #377 McKINNEY Form of the Gaelic Mac Cionaodha meaning son of Cionaodha (pagan god of fire). #686 GRIMES Viking surname meaning masked person, fierce. Edel Quinn), Reese (for any of the Sts. Mac or O' anything, usually Catholic, but may be Scottish and therefore Protestant. #810 NIELSEN Son of Niel. 1,000 Most Popular Last Names in the U.S. | #249 MALDONADO Ill-favored. Trivia The name Kimada, which has six letters and is the inverse of Adamik, contains equal proportions of vowels and consonants. #782 DAVID Beloved. #586 MEYERS Occupational surname for a mayor. #866 BOYLE From the Gaelic surname OBaoighill, meaning family of the rash or angry person. #613 ROCHA Portuguese surname based on the French surname Roche, which means lives by the rocky crag. #666 BENITEZ Son of Benito. Even if patrilineal surnaming does begin to lose some of its hold over the U.S., a single, perfectly equitable standard for surnaming is hard to imagine. #673 RUBIO Red-headed or someone with a ruddy complexion. #976 HESTER Either lives by the beech tree, or an occupational surname for a herald/town crier. Our editors update and regularly refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable information. #405 SHARP Smart person. #483 TOWNSEND From the end of the town (towns end). #141 HARRISON Son of harry. A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. #316 FIGUEROA Lives near the fig tree. #776 WHITEHEAD Descriptional surname for someone with white or very light blonde hair. #811 GILLESPIE From the Gaelic Mac giolla Easpuig, meaning son of the bishops servant. #99 FOSTER Occupational surname, a contraction of Forester. In many Spanish-speaking placesincluding Spain, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Mexicochildren traditionally receive the last names of both parents, creating a double-barrel surname. #734 SNOW Descriptive surname for someone with very pale skin or light blonde hair. #628 BRADFORD From the broad or big ford. #417 OCONNOR Son of Connor. #715 RUSSO Descriptive surname for someone who was a red-head or had a ruddy complexion. 200 Popular American Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings - MomJunction #784 MARIN Family of Marino or lives near the sea. #764 ROACH From the French surname Roches, meaning lives near a rocky crag. The most recent statistics we have for the Catholic surname is from the 2010 census data. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Brennan 29. #24 WHITE A family of light complexion or hair. #788 GAINES Nickname surname for someone who was very clever. #904 COSTA Someone from the coast or a bank of a river. #423 MOSS A contraction of the name Moses, meaning born of a god. #562 TREVINO Lives in a house on a boundary, or where boundaries meet. #321 STANLEY Lives near the stone clearing. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. #232 LAWRENCE Family of Lawrence or from an area named Laurence. #730 MOSLEY Habitational surname for a family that came from any number of towns named Mosley in the U.K. Attention: This site does not support the current version of your web browser. #273 LI Chinese surname meaning Plum or Plum Tree. Smith 6. Garcia leapfrogged from number 18 to number eight, while Rodriguez went up from 22 to nine. #902 POTTS Family of Philpott, an early form of the name Phillip. Literally means high rock. #616 HOOD Scottish occupational surname for a maker of hoods or nickname for someone who wore one. #625 MATHIS Family of Matthew. Garcia jumped in popularity from the 18th-most-popular name in 1990 to the sixth-most-popular last name in 2010. #907 NIXON Son of Nick/Nicholas. #170 HICKS Family of Richard. #690 SAVAGE Nickname surname for someone who was wild. #769 KNOX Near a round-topped hill (cnoc) #704 CANTU Occupational surname for a singer or cantor. #315 NAVARRO Person from Navarre, France. #48 MITCHELL Variation on the name Michael, meaning Who is like God? #72 BAILEY Occupational surname for a bailiff. Cassia. #425 CHAN Chinese surname literally meaning field or plain. Some examples of this naming convention include a Viking settler of Vinland in North America, named Gudrid Thorbjarnardttir; author of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson; and the first female prime minister of Iceland in 2009, Jhanna Sigurardttir. "Catholic Last Name Popularity, Meaning and Origin". Indigenous peoples were made to take on white or Catholic names instead of the traditional ones they had carried for centuries. #975 ALFARO Spanish habitational surname for someone from Alfaro, Spain in the Logroo province. #163 SILVA Portuguese surname meaning by the woods or forest. #899 BERNARD Bold as a bear. #883 McMAHON From the Gaelic surname Mac Mathghamha, which means son of the Bear. #389 ERICKSON Son of Eric. #399 HARDY Bold, Courageous. #791 BARTLETT Son or family of Bartholomew. #260 SINGH Lion-like. #934 RICHMOND Habitational surname from any of the towns in England or northern France with that name. Persons in Ireland, like persons everywhere, pick up and move. #333 AYALA Lives near the hillside or pasture. #608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname of families from Davenport in Cheshire, UK. #951 STUART Occupational surname for someone who worked as a steward/assistant. #191 SOTO Lives in or near the small forest. Murphy - Wikipedia #545 LANG Nickname for a person who was tall. #410 ROBBINS Family of Robin. #357 BECKER Either an occupational surname meaning baker or used for a family who lived by a stream. #233 SANDOVAL From Sandoval, Spain. #324 BARNETT From the place near the clearing (burned place). #998 TRAVIS Occupational surname for someone who collected a tax or toll at a crossing. Sylmarie Dvila-Montero From Smith to Sullivan, Sanders to Myers, and Reyes to Roberts, read on for the most popular family names found across the United States! Walsh 5. Not sure about the geography of the middle east? #945 JARAMILLO Spanish Habitatonal surname for someone from the south of Castilla, Spain, literally referring to a jaramago tree. #443 NEWTON From the new town. #153 TUCKER Occupational surname for someone for a cloth thickener. Though few studies on the topic have been conducted, evidence suggests that in almost every American family with a mom and a dad, children receive their fathers last name. #39 HILL Family who lived near or on a hill. From the Gaelic buth, meaning house, and Chanain meaning of the canon. #327 CALDWELL Lives by the cold well. #606 LARSEN Son of Lars. #589 BASS Big/tall or an occupational surname for someone who caught or sold fish. 5.00%, or 5 total occurrences, were "Hispanic Origin". #433 CHRISTENSEN Son of Christian. Designed, directed, and managed high-quality marketing literature for medical education on procedures and products. I Have Two Last Names - Here is Why They Both Matter #838 HICKMAN Occupational surname for a servant of a man called Hick. #94 SANDERS Family of Alexander. Literally means moon. Here are the top 1000 last names (surnames) in the United States, according to the most recent U.S. census. #989 MAYO From the family of Matthew. #58 EDWARDS Family of Edward #805 CHUNG Chinese/Korean surname literally meaning hanging bell flower. Neil Burdess. #345 SCHWARTZ Person of dark or swarthy complexion. Why? These are called occupational names. #464 CASTANEDA Literally translates to chestnut, and might have been used to describe a person with reddish-brown hair or worked a chestnut grove. #665 ACEVEDO Spanish surname meaning someone who lives near or in a grove of holly trees or hollywood. Agostinho It originated from the Portuguese surname Augustine, derived from the Latin word "augere," meaning "to increase." Saint Augustine of Hippo was a significant early Christian theologian who has spread evangelism across continents. #578 FLOWERS Occupational surname for someone who works flowers like a gardener or with a bow & arrow. #627 SKINNER Occupational surname for someone who made hides or pelts. #304 MAY Family of Matthew. #633 KIRBY Lives near the Church/Farm. #7 MILLER Occupational surname for someone who worked in a mill. #947 RASMUSSEN Danish/Norwegian surname, meaning son of Rasmus. #264 OLIVER Elf Army #313 JOSEPH He will add. #108 BUTLER Occupational surname for a butler/wine steward. #226 MATTHEWS Son of Matthew. Feminine variations include Charlotte, Carla, Carlotta, and Caroline. #100 JIMENEZ Son of Jim/James. Non-GGG Members: Non-GGG members may search the Surname List database. #167 DIXON Son of Dick/Richard. #37 TORRES Family who lived near a tower. #267 WILLIAMSON Son of William Wassa was a feminine Anglo-Saxon given name. With over 30 billion (seriously!) #946 KRUEGER German occupational surname for someone who made or sold glass/pottery kruog, or ran an inn krug. #235 GEORGE Family of George (Farmer). #860 McMILLAN From the Gaelic surname Macghillemhaoil, meaning son of the monks servant. She suspects that many heterosexual couples arent seriously discussing what they want their childs last name to be. #871 HARDING Son of the hardened one. #550 BARRERA Family that lived near muddy area or ground of clay. 1. #244 VALDEZ Son of Valdo/Waldo. #761 KLINE German nickname surname given to someone who was small. #185 SCHMIDT Occupational surname, German form of Smith meaning ironworker or tradesman. If you are curious about your own name, visit Family Name Search to discover the meanings and origins of last names. Catholic, like all of the names we have data for, is identified by the U.S. Census Bureau as a surname which has more than 100 occurrences in the United States in the Decennial Census survey. #687 ARELLANO Habitational surname for a family from Arellano, spain. #282 WANG Chinese surname meaning king. #710 HUTCHINSON Son of hugh, or son of the close, beloved relative. 17. As such, it should come as no surprise that the U.S. statistics for last names are influenced greatly by the number and ethnicity of the immigrants who have joined the ranks of Americans. Given to a young person who was excitable or energetic. Learn more about the mythic conflict between the Argives and the Trojans. #402 LIN Chines surname meaning from the forest. #920 BLANCHARD With white hair or pale complexion. #763 BARAJAS Habitational surname for a family from any number of villages of that name. #991 HENDRIX Family of Heinrich. Literally means Forest land. #829 NOBLE From nobility. By the same principle, Iceland has patronymic and matronymic systems that include both son and daughter suffixes that help people identify familial lines, which have existed for centuries. #741 BLACKWELL Lives near the black stream. Spanish Surnames: Meanings and Origins of Hispanic Names - ThoughtCo #932 LEVY From the family of Levi. Advertisement. #215 CARROLL Irish surname from the Gaelic O Cearbhaill meaning fierce in battle. Turner, Miller, Tailor, Potter, Weaver, Baker). From Scottish settlers to Portuguese migrants, America is full of diversity including in terms of names. #300 MEJIA Unknown meaning, might be a religious surname referring to the Messiah. Carina. Surname List - Records Search - German Genealogy Group #80 RICHARDSON Son of Richard. #510 SUAREZ From the southern army. #325 BATES Son of Bartholomew. #502 OSBORNE Viking name, literally meaning Bear God, #605 ROBERSON Son of Robert. #968 STANTON From the village on stony ground. #434 MANNING Strong, valiant. Dunne 28. #34 KING Ruler of the area. Instead of primer apellido (first surname) and segundo apellido (second surname), legally, the following expressions are used: apellido paterno (paternal surname) and apellido materno (maternal surname). Cases of women passing their name to their children nearly evaporated by the turn of the 19th century. King Manuel of Portugal made a similar order in 1497. #388 SOLIS From the village or town of Soler. #697 BOOTH Lives near a stall or hut. #956 ESTES From the East. #6 GARCIA Of unknown meaning. 92.00%, or 92 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic Black Only". #960 VO Vietnamese surname meaning fighter/soldier. #755 McCULLOUGH From the Scottish clan name, MacCullaich meaning son of the boar, where the boar represented a brave man. #731 McCLURE From the Gaelic surname MIlluidhir, which literally translates as Son of Ordars follower. Three decades later, it was about 20 percent. #186 GARZA The heron bird. We will also take a look at the background of some of the other surnames starting with M. 1.Mabel, (Anglo-Saxon origin) It originates from the Latin word Amablis. #849 GILES Holy man or one who does good. #876 EVERETT Herd of wild boars. That started to change by about the 18th century, when coverture lawswhich counted wives as legal property of their husbandsgrew more entrenched in Britain, and evolved to effectively forbid women from owning land at all. #660 HEATH Lives in or near a heath (open, unculivated land) or from a town named Heath. records in their database, you can research your family name and discover amazing details you may never have known about your ancestors. #650 SOSA Portuguese surname meaning from the salt water (salsa agua) #723 MONTES Habitational surname for someone who lived on or near a hill/mountain. Black Creoles of Louisiana | #696 RICH Wealthy or family of Richard. #615 JEFFERSON Son of Jeffery. Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. #223 PERKINS Son of Peter. The FamilySearch Library has digitized records for the years 1594 to 1924 from the main Cathedral in St. Augustine, indexes, and various transcripts. #8 DAVIS Son of David. Abbott Save Image: Shutterstock Some of the most influential ethnicities that have changed the fabric of American family names include Spanish, Portuguese, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and English settlers who arrived on North American shores and brought their familial nomenclature with them. Ireland is a little over 300 miles in length, running North to South. #999 TANG Vietnamese surname, meaning from the Tang dynasty. #437 McLAUGHLIN Son of Lochlann, meaning lake land. #939 McCARTY From the Gaelic surname Mac Carthaigh meaning son of the loving one. #596 WHITAKER From the white field or from the wheat field. Individual judges have repeatedly used the legal doctrine of the best interests of the child to side with the father. Unusually for Irish names, the "O" prefix has held strong, with more O'Connors than Connors in both Ireland and America. Teresa), Emmerich (for Ven. #917 HALEY From the hay clearing. Hernndez Grande, who had moved to the U.S. from Spain at the age of 8, panicked. #882 SHEPARD Occupational surname for a shepherd. 1. #144 WOODS Family who lived in or near the woods. #705 HUMPHREY From the name elements hun meaning bear cub and fried meaning peace. Interpreted as peaceful warrior. A Complete List of Jewish Last Names + Meanings #739 JOHNS Family of John. (S), or less than 100 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander Only". #382 FLETCHER Folk army. Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. Literally means Good little one. #182 MILLS Occupational surname for one who lived near or worked in a mill. #937 FRYE Born free. #952 FAULKNER Occupational surname for a falconer or someone who trained hawks/falcons. Even in the U.S. and the United Kingdom, patrilineal surnames are a surprisingly new convention. Daw was a nickname for David. #306 JUAREZ Son of Suero. Bureaucratic roadblocks aside, many researchers suspect that the stubbornness of patrilineal surnames for heterosexual married couples relates to how they communicate about the issueeven when they discuss surnaming a child, theyre more likely to lean on tradition. #428 RODGERS Family of Roger. #224 HOFFMAN German occupational surname meaning property manager. #396 DANIEL God is my judge. For example, those of Spanish descent have an interesting way to denote familial lines through the last name alone. #209 KNIGHT Occupational surname for a knight or someone who worked in a knights household. (accessed March 4, 2023). Surname Search #567 COCHRAN Scottish surname for a family who lived near the lowlands of Cochrane. #814 SELLERS Occupational surname for someone who was a merchant/seller. #700 WARE Occupational surname for someone who was employed at a weir or dam, or habitational surname for someone who lived near one. #593 CARSON Probably a form of Karsten, or a created name meaning Son of Carr/Kerr. #900 ASHLEY From the ash wood or clearing. #2 JOHNSON - Son of John. Clair The word may have origins in French and Latin. #500 HARRINGTON From the town of stony ground. #671 HARRELL Nickname for someone with a good head of thick hair. Retrieved from #936 LIM Chinese surname meaning forest. From the word engaingne (ingenuity). #853 DONOVAN From the Irish surname Donnabhain, a diminutive/nickname for someone with darker skin or wore brown. #743 PRINCE Nickname surname for someone who acted royal or above their station. #707 SAWYER Occupational surname for a woodsman or someone who worked with a saw. A large swath of American society has simply failed to conceive of a reality beyond patrilineal surnames. #652 FARRELL From the Irish surname,O Fearghail literally means Descendant of the brave man. Literally means foreign help. #875 AYERS Heir to a fortune or land. #735 HUERTA Lives by the top of a hill or near a fortress. #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. #870 HURLEY From the village on cleared land. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. #921 HORNE Occupational surname for someone who carved objects out of horn, or made musical horns (usually made out of animal horn at the time). #803 CALHOUN Variant of the Scottish surname, Colquhoun, meaning nook or corner.