european exploration lesson plans high school

Conflict + Human Rights. It helps students understand the meaning behind these special gatherings. Teachers, this lesson explores the Treaty of Tordesillas. Slave Codes in the South: Examples | What Were the Slave Codes? These projects can help your students delve deeper into this material and engage with it in new ways. 2300 Red River Street D0800 . If only this gold supply could be found, Henry's costly expeditions could begin to pay for themselves and perhaps even strengthen Portugal's economy. Some of these free Native American lesson plans include: All of the usual information about the history, culture, and diversity of tribal nations are covered in these lesson plans. **Please NOTE each unit in the, This PowerPoint and note worksheet set covers the following explorers: First, Europeans of this time had sever-al motives for exploring the world. Facing History & Ourselves is designed for educators who want to help students explore identity, think critically, grow emotionally, act ethically, and participate in civic life. Discover the history of European exploration. It introduces students to many European explorers, the routes and discoveries they made, and the . Visit the World History 500-1650: Lesson Plans & Activities page to learn more. Lesson plans for elementary school students. Well designed exploration activities give students the opportunity to experience, think, investigate, probe, inquire, collect information, question, test, make inferences about relationships and problem solve. Your email address will not be published. In 1492, Christopher Columbus' first voyage launched an era of large-scale contact between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. They will also take a quiz to demonstrate learning. No one wants to accidentally show something like that in their class, so Ive taken the time to find, Picture books can wonderful for all ages and grade levels! Besides giving accurate historical information, cooking with your kids is just plain fun. Have students select an explorer, and then use the Internet or library resources to research him or her and take notes. In the late 1400s, Europeans began experimenting with a new economic system called capitalism, which allowed for private ownership of wealth and the tools for creating wealth (like farming land and factories). Judging by his name, you might think that Henry the Navigator was a great explorer with extraordinary navigating skills. In Spain, as in the British Isles, the process of conquest and settlement helped to establish forms of behaviour, and create habits of mind, easily transportable to distant parts of the world in the dawning age of European overseas expansion.74 The conquest and settlement of Al-Andalus and Ireland were still far from complete when fourteenth . In English classes, reading indigenous peoples' literature from a language arts perspective makes sense. There are two maps for each of the following explorers: John Cabot, Henry Hudson, Jacques Cartier, Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Hernando de Soto, and Vasco Nunez de Balboa. These are wrapped up with juvenile tales of the first Thanksgiving, Disney's Pocahontas, and even some long-held prejudices that Native Americans as less than. Many of these things provide a false or incomplete look at these cultures. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer that sailed west to the Pacific Ocean with the primary goal of finding the Spice Islands in Indonesia. Before you teach the subject of European exploration and colonization to your students, get helpful lesson plans by going through this chapter. This study explored integrating formative assessment to a Chinese high school chemistry classroom, where the extremely high-stakes testing and Confucian-heritage culture constituted a particular context, through a collaborative action research. No one engages with children on a regular basis fails to understand that they would rather do things than simply hear about them. In these grade ranges, students are usually focused on either American history or European history in most schools across the United States. Unlike some other sites that have activities specifically described or printable worksheets, the site focuses more on the goals, development, and practical instruction about how to create the lesson plan and what should be included in it. The spread of Catholicism led to a lot of exploration. Applies appropriate academic and technical skills Communicates effectively and appropriately Utilizes technology Manages personal career development. Some American Indian games and activities were popular for the long winter months when more people stayed inside. save TONS of time because Ive done all of the heavy lifting for you (this unit took me months to create). Chef. Every culture around the globe has unique eating habits and foods they enjoy from recipes they created that a become part of their identity. The period between the 1400s to 1600s is known as the Age of Exploration, or the Age of Discovery. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. What Is Land Acknowledgement? This lesson plan is a tool for helping students learn about Christopher Columbus & Native Americans. LLILAS Benson Discover the history of European . A "fascinating" look at what students in Russia, France, Iran, and other nations are taught about Western Europe's World Court & Human Rights Matt Laker, Edgewood Intermediate School & Lisa Laker, Franklin Central High School, Franklin, IN Lesson Plan, Powerpoint 1, Powerpoint 2, Supplemental Article, Study Guide, Citations Easily adapted to US context. See also Letters from the Crusades. The PowerPoint can also be printed in color and laminated to be used as classroom posters! PPTX. Empires After the Fall of Rome Lesson Plans, Knights, Chivalry & Feudalism Lesson Plans, Slave Trade & Colonization of Africa Lesson Plans. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. This lesson plan is a tool for helping students learn about Christopher Columbus & Native Americans. This webquest covers Georgia Standards of Excellence: SS3H2 Describe European exploration in North America.a. First experiences usually center around Thanksgiving, the story of Christopher Columbus, and depictions of Indians in cartoons and storybooks. By the time a student reaches the fourth grade, or hopefully earlier, they will understand a lot more about the difficulties that Native Americans have faced throughout history. No-Prep! Task Cards 2. You can test out of the first two years of college and save All rights reserved. While this video is difficult to watch, it's unfortunately not an isolated incident. Also included in:Social Studies Full-Year Curriculum BUNDLE (4th & 5th Grade). Try to include the job profiles which are not usually known. In your high school history class, you will likely teach about the Age of Exploration. One way they did this was through exploration and colonization (taking control of land). An activity reinforces the physical features of the ship for the class. Lesson Plans. How did the encounter between Europe and the Americas take place? stellaris lem release date . Mapping the Past. The Cunning History Teacher's Lesson Plans on the Vikings, offer students with a detailed understanding of the events, people, and forces that shaped the Viking Age. Lesson plans for high school students. Listening to you give a report about a Native American topic of interest or sitting down and reading an article or book is generally not as engaging is actually working on activity alone or with others. Lesson plans bring the world of medicine into the classroom. by. Go through this chapter to get lesson plans that you can use to help your students understand the subject. During the 16th and 18th centuries, colonial mercantilism was a popular economic theory in European countries. These explorers searched for new trade routes, the quickest ways to and from faraway locations, and along the way, they often stumbled across new lands. Learn about the first explorers and conquistadors of the Americas during the Age of Discovery. Requires students to complete research on a chosen explorer from the Age of Exploration in relation to his history and significance and then to create a display to show their research. Motives for ExplorationFor early explorers, one of the main motives for exploration was the - The student will create a replica of Behaim's globe. The Classroom Nook. This lesson contains engaging activities to help your students learn more about this time in history. Required fields are marked *. think that this increased self-efficacy could encourage students to graduate high school and remain focused on achieving career goals (Glessner et al., 2017). Today I'll be talking about Amerigo Vespucci, a cartographer who sailed to America and helped improve the navigation of his time. This chapter contains lesson plans on: Each lesson plan included in the chapter is complemented by a lesson on that specific topic. An error occurred trying to load this video. For example, Spain colonized Central and South America in the 1500s, claiming the land, bringing glory to their country, and taking millions of dollars in gold. Whether you are a teacher interested in expanding curriculum options, a parent who wants to share more accurate or in-depth information but their child, or a student seeking additional knowledge about the diverse cultures of this country, Native American lesson plans will help you reach your goals. Learn about Balboa, Cortes, Alvarado, Pizarro and the roles they and their armies played in the Spanish conquest of South and Central America. The best sources for learning about crafts can try at home is authentic tribal crafts people themselves. They will consider the importance of Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro in the Spanish conquest of the Americas. lesson. This is Lesson 1 of the Women in Colonial Latin America unit. Most focus on history, but you can also teach about these topics in language arts or English classes, art and music lessons, and even science and math. For centuries gold objects from sub-Saharan Africa had made their way to Europe. East Meets West: Effects of the Crusades Another 7th-grade lesson plan. Social Studies Full-Year Curriculum BUNDLE (4th & 5th Grade). It is sufficient to talk about conflicts and prejudices in more abstract terms. - John Cabot This assignment is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (Public License). All rights reserved. Teaching resources at the high school level, for Renaissance studies (1300-1700) Course materials designed and edited by Thomas Q. Marabello. When designing new Native American lesson plans for the students at your school, your children at home, or for your own advanced education, turn to online resources that focus on historical accuracy and cultural sensitivity. Photo caption. The resource includes a student handout that details the expectations of the project and how it can best be completed. Pre-made digital activities. Students will recognize different STEM career choices in the community. Chapter 7: European Exploration & Colonization Lesson Plans, Test your knowledge with a 30-question chapter practice test. Things from other parts of the world! Grade Levels: 9-12. European Explorers: Age of Exploration, Voyages, New World Discoveries & MORE! Be an Explorer: Research a Native American Tribal Nation, Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month, Jingle Dancing Going Viral During COVID-19, Jingle Dress Healing Dance Census Day Live Stream, Stereotype Proved incorrect: Natives drink LESS than European Americans. We begin by defining the problem and methods for our inquiry. We also help our students to learn a bit more about other explorers of the period. Music can also create ambiance in the background as you study other facts and cultural tidbits. From voyages across the Atlantic to missions in space, these diverse figures transcended social and physical boundaries and changed how we view our world. This study compared how two different teaching approaches had an impact on students and their teacher. This website helped me pass! However, you can still work within reasonable bounds to stay as authentic as possible. SIOP Lesson Plan Unit: Africa Lesson: Colonization of Africa Authors: John Chavez, Saundra Morales, and Ron Cook from Fox Tech High School Amount of Time: Three 50-minute class periods Objectives Content: Categorize the causes of the colonization of Africa Analyze the causes and effects of the colonization of the countries of Africa. Students can diagram a sentence, study legends, or learn how to create an effective essay with Native American topics as easily as they can with others. For example, when reading a legend about the Thunderbird from Arapahoe mythology, students can explore science related to flight or weather patterns, use math to measure the supposed dimensions of this majestic bird, and explore symbology, similar tales in other cultures, and even study the structure of the writing itself for more understanding. The PowerPoint includes the country that the explorer sailed for, years of exploration, obstacles, and accomplishments. This is an Age of Exploration Lesson Plan. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Our, Upgrade your history lessons with our innovative LINKtivity on Early European Explorers and the Age of Exploration! Students will compare the lifestyle of the Pilgrims to the Puritans and learn about the expansion of the colonies. Focusing on the high school grades, but applicable at all levels, Differentiation in Practice, Grades 9?12 will teach anyone interested in designing and implementing differentiated curriculum how to do . The reading is visually appealing and broken into chunks. 3. It includes a discussion on indigenous peoples and the African slave trade. - Vasco Nunez de Balboa )European ExplorationExplorers to TexasSpanish Missions to Texas European Exploration (20)Instructions for two ways to playAnswer DocumentAnswer KeyGame BoardVocabulary & People Cards (15)Instructions for two ways to pla, This project choice board is an awesome way to have students review your European Explorers unit. Unless your community or family is already in touch with the Native American experience, most children only learn that they exist around these times. What was the Mayflower and why is it important in American history? Again, details are not necessary to give an accurate picture. For anyone growing up in the United States, an education on Native American history, culture, religion, struggles and triumphs should be part of any core curriculum. I highly recommend you use this site! Then take the quiz and see how much you remember about this medieval world traveler. Columbus was an Italian explorer, but his journey west was funded by the rulers of Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. There is also one blank map for students to draw and label all of the explorer's routes. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. NO PREP! World History 500-1650: Lesson Plans & Activities, The Old World and New World: Why Europeans Sailed to the Americas, Christopher Columbus' Discoveries: History & Summary, European Exploration & Colonization in Latin America, Colonial Mercantilism: Definition, History & Effects, The Spanish Armada: History and Major Battles, Ferdinand Magellan: Biography, Facts & Timeline, Foundations of European Dominance in the First Global Age, New Spain: Spanish Explorers and Spanish Colonies, Waldseemuller Map: Definition & Significance, Treaty of Tordesillas: Definition & Overview, Conquistadores: Spanish Conquests of South & Central America, Who was Marco Polo? You won't have to cross the ocean for good ideas on how to teach about the Age of Exploration with this lesson plan! They should have strong knowledge of the major groups that lived all across the country, how they lived, what they ate, the type of art and cultural activities that existed, and their interaction with European settlers. Students then apply concepts with a hands-on activity that demonstrates understanding. Download Lesson Plan. These lesson plans will help you better teach the main topics relevant to the subject as a whole. This movement was led by the German religious leader Martin Luther and was what led to the creation of what we now know as the the Lutheran (or Protestant) Church. But he also hoped to find gold. Teach your students about explorers from Spain with this lesson plan. Many non-Catholic people were mistreated and even forced to practice a religion they didn't believe in. After reviewing the explorations of Columbus, students learn about Ponce de Len's search for the Fountain of Youth, De Soto's long march to the . Finally we reflect on our actions. These include standards that encourage . Before finding the ones that work for you, consider the reasons behind seeking out additional educational resources about Native Americans. What impact did European exploration have on Native Americans? feel proud of the way you are teaching your social studies standards. Plan B Emergency Sub Plans and Teaching Resources. Students will watch an informational video explaining who the Spanish explorers were and their significance as well as describing the encomienda system and purpose. The Religious Roots of the Abolitionist Movement, European Motivations for Exploration & Trade: Lesson for Kids, Uncle Tom's Cabin and Tension Over Slavery in the 1850s, Whiskey Rebellion & Battle of Fallen Timbers | Causes & History, James Monroe's Presidency: The Monroe Doctrine, George Washington and the New United States Government. This lesson plan teaches students the history and significance of the Waldseemuller Map through a text lesson, discussion questions and a hands-on map drawing activity. They will consider the importance of Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro in the Spanish conquest of the Americas. In these formative years, it is important to counter these impressions with accurate historical information. Philip has taught college history, English, and political science, and he has a doctorate in American history. Reflect upon the effects of European Expansion in the students daily life. CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 Think back to when you were in school and try to remember how much you learned about different tribal nations. This led to strong economic growth throughout the 1500s, as well as the creation of a new economic group called the bourgeoisie (pronounced boo-shwah-zee). COMMON CORE ALIGNED! Christopher Columbus wasn't the first European to set foot in the Americas, but his voyages linked the Old and New Worlds. Take Surveys. Christopher Columbus was an influential explorer. Chapters cover key moments in American history, beginning with exploration and colonization and ending with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Cotton Gin Impact & Invention Date | Why was the Cotton Gin Important? Dred Scott v. Sanford Summary & Case Decision | Who was Dred Scott? Air Traffic Controller. The link above connects to Grades 9-12. Your email address will not be published. Students will learn about their daily life, including their social classes, family . I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Take a look at this complete and creative hands-on activity pack that is sure to captivate your students. succeed. They give in-depth instructions for educators and much of the necessary content directly on the site. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page, Other chapters within the World History 500-1650: Lesson Plans & Activities course. The Age of Exploration, or Age of Discovery, refers to a historical period that began in the 1400s and lasted until the the 1600s. Also included in:Famous World and European Explorers Interactive Notebooks & Activities Bundle, Also included in:4th Grade Texas History TEKS-Based Bundle / Printable & Digital. Prince Henry had several reasons for dispatching his expeditions. Looking for an easy-to-use social studies unit on early European explorers for your third, fourth, or fifth grade class? In this lesson, students will identify the causes and consequences of the European Expansion. Giovanni da Verrazzano was an Italian explorer who was sent by King Francis I of France to explore the east coast of North America for a possible route to China called the Northwest Passage. It uses differentiated instruction in two ways; ability levels and the Multiple Intelligence Theory. Early European Explorers Activity (Age of Exploration Game), Famous World and European Explorers Interactive Notebooks & Activities Bundle, Age of Exploration: Famous Early European Explorers MEGA Bundle for 14 Explorers, European Explorers - Age of Exploration PowerPoint, Posters, and Notes Set, European Exploration of the Americas PowerPoint and Student Infographic Notes, European Exploration and Mission Life (in Texas) **BUNDLE**, Age of Exploration | Early European Explorers | STEM Challenge, Texas History / European Exploration / Unit 4 / Printable & Digital, 4th Grade Texas History TEKS-Based Bundle / Printable & Digital, European Explorers - Age of Exploration Project Choice Board, European Explorer Research Project Age of Exploration Writing Activity. This product includes 23 colorful and interactive PowerPoint slides and a 2-page student-friendly infographic style notes sheet for students to fill in that also has students mapping the regions claimed by Spain, Britain, France, and the Netherlands. Provide each student with a copy of the handout Explorers of the Americas. With more people having money to spend, Europeans developed companies to meet the needs and wants of European customers. Students will watch a video lesson, discuss new information and reinforce old and further explore a famous explorer through a role-playing activity. Truth is, Prince Henry of Portugal never set sail on voyages of discovery. Many hoped to become rich through trading with other parts of the world, thanks to the growth of the bourgeoisie, which was a class made up of business owners and bankers who had extra money to spend. Sugar: The people of Europe loved their desserts, but sugarcane was grown in tropical climates far from Europe. Two main reasons stand out. You have traveled back in time to the 15th and 17th centuries, during a time of exploration and discovery. Formulate your history class outline using the suggested classroom tools offered in the lesson plans. (11) $3.50. Start off by reading a text lesson about Ferdinand Magellan's life, voyages and legacy, view a timeline of his explorations, then apply learning to a fun activity. Test your knowledge of the entire course with a 50 question practice final exam. Students learn a new concept, universe of obligation, and use it to analyze the ways that their society designates who is deserving of respect and caring. Some Portuguese even believed that the objects came from a "River of Gold." {"results":"\u003cdiv class='col-xs-12 search-result-item thumbnail-card col-lg-6 col-sm-6' data-id='7670' data-item-type='CollectionItemFolder' data-type .