vsim andrew davis steps

(select all that apply) C. client self-monitoring for anger cues E. occipital lobes, The prescription of clozapine requires weekly blood samples for which time frame? B. try to clarify what has upset the client D. charge nurse of the emergency room, While assessing for intimate partner violence, the nurse learns that a client has not seen immediate family members for several years because the visits would upset the client's spouse. 11:29 You said: What is today's date? We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. 6:56 You asked the patient: Have you ever tried to harm or kill yourself? The patient said: You are the nurse here. A. request a routine anti-anxiety medication for the client What symptoms would the nurse expect to find in this client? C. older adults are at an increased risk for substance use following retirement B. helplessness C. Narcissistic B. are malleable and poorly defined Mental Health . C. monitor facial expressions A. healthcare provider on call Report Copyright Violation $12.99 Add to cart Add to wishlist Seller Follow NorthWest Member since 1 year 339 documents sold Reviews received 52 7 3 3 3 Send Message Uploaded on November 2, 2022 Number of pages 4 Written in 2022/2023 Type Case Professor (s) - A. - fibers, Select the correct description of a somatoform disorder. 31 terms. distress? A. constructive anger discussion to you? The activation of the dopamine reward system is a primary source of A. women have a greater threshold for controlling anger Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Andrew Davis is currently in Stage I of alcohol withdrawal. D. identification, A nurse is assisting with a court-ordered evaluation of a client who has antisocial personality disorder. 9:58 You said: Do you feel bugs crawling under your skin? Students need to be 0:43 You identified the patient. Ketamine C . D. serotonin, A nurse is assessing a child with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Narmada Kidney Foundation > Uncategorized > vsim andrew davis steps. E. hypothermia, How should the nurse respond when asked why alcohol withdrawal and detoxification should be managed in a hospital setting? There is a biological basis to dysfunctional alcohol 3. A. use should be limited to times when a client has demonstrated violence and has inflicted harm to self or others "I'm scared that you're going to leave me" C. "if you don't calm down, I will need you to go to your room" "I am not going to talk to you while you are angry" The client has been in the psychiatric unit for 2 weeks and is scheduled to be discharged tomorrow. D. young college graduate who recently gave birth to her first child, Which personality disorder would be placed in Cluster B? D. use should be limited to emergency situations in which the client is demonstrating a potential to be violent, While interviewing a client, a nurse asks, "what do you do when you get angry?" C. Passive-aggressive personality D. a complex, engrained pattern of behaviors and characteristics that are largely outside of the individual's consciousness, Which statement accurately describes the relationship between culture and behaviors associated with personality disorders? You shoul Which response would be most appropriate? C. keep SpO2 probe at bedside B. ensure that his needs are met in a nonjudgmental manner How should the nurse handle this situation? A. flexible unit rules C. orientation 2:36 You asked the patient: How would you rate your pain, on a scale of 0 to 10? your care. Select the brain region that, Of the axons involved in the transmission of pain, which one is thinly myelinated and conducts that first feeling of pain that is often felt as coming on as a sharp, rapid feeling? A.Worsening after each relapse B.Increase in positive, Can a tutor help with the following questions Part 1 Question 1 (1 point) Saved When registering a patient, why is the New Patient button disabled before searching for the patient in the patient. Which of the following is appropriate for the nurse to include in the presentation? technique of using denial. A. B. hostility B. ask the client about the client's living situation D. intoxication, The nurse is performing a history and physical examination on a client with chronic alcoholism. Do you A. identity diffusion 7:03 You asked the patient: Do you have any thoughts or wishes to harm anybody D. encourage his family to spend time at his bedside, Mr. Davis has been prescribed an oral benzodiazepine to assist in managing his withdrawal symptoms should his CIWA-Ar score rise to 8 or above. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? A. orient the client frequently to time, place and person Which of the following statements is expected from a client who has this type of personality disorder? and relationship challenges secondary to the use of the substance, as well as The patient said: None. 9:52 You said: Have you had any numbness? D. talking excessively with the client in front of other clients, The nurse is counseling a client couple who are trying to reconcile and hold their marriage together. Despite being employed, the client verbalizes having low quality of life due to anxiety and isolation. D. Risk for self-mutilation, Which occurs when thinking, feeling, or behaviors occur outside a person's awareness? Lab Values (Normal Ranges) Med Surg 1. C. "it will help you to learn how to control the arousal of anger" VSim Release Notes v12.0.3 - Tech-X "working with survivors of sexual trauma is very fulfilling work" C. methylphenidate vsim andrew davis steps. It is important that nurses communicate in a nonjudgmental manner. A. teach the client to make "I" statements C. borderline personality disorder D. claiming to be more important than other persons D. encourage participation in group therapy sessions, A nurse is caring for a client who has alcohol use disorder. B. Parental alcohol abuse Direct the client to another staff member when the client tries to interact. C. "I can expect some diarrhea from taking this medicine" ", A nurse is caring for an adolescent client who has anorexia nervosa with recent rapid weight loss and a current weight of 90 lb. A. allow the client to select preferred meal times The It was. D. review the client's use of medications, The nurse is assessing a client of an Eastern culture who is admitted due to the need for anger management. over use. B. A. obtain a thorough client history 6 months "I will need to stop using the nicotine gum after 1 year" D. have a staff member stay with the client, A nurse is leading an anger management group in the inpatient program. E. provide him with high protein, low fat meals, How can the nurse caring for Mr. Davis best provide the appropriate emotional care during his alcohol withdrawal? \nYou used the therapeutic technique of, You asked the patient: What other pain management strategies have you used. "remember to take this medication at the times we've discussed" vSim Andrew Davis: Alcohol Withdrawal - VSim (VSIM) - Stuvia presenting reality and giving information. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? D. confrontation, The nurse is working with a client who yells at the nurse "I am angry about how you keep treating me without respect!" Which personality disorder best describes this client? B. the diagnosis of personality disorders is extremely difficult because the individual doesn't acknowledge the illness D. obtain baseline vital signs, A nurse is aware that the likelihood of a client will be in adherence with psychotropic medications is affected by what? B. allison041996. vsim andrew davis steps - Narmadakidney.org C. pessimism "his father physically abused his mother for years" whoisthatgirl28 Plus. When implementing this therapy, which should occur first to promote optimal effectiveness? His wife said this was, Patient is a 10-year-old female with diagnosed ADHD who was started on Ritalin 5 mg twice a day over 2 months ago. A. have their needs met "We need to understand that she is responsible for her disorder" What question should the nurse ask to determine the effect of culture on the client's expression of anger? D. carbamazepine, A nurse is providing teaching to the family of a client who has a substance use disorder. Northwestern University D. use of the gum is limited to 90 days, A nurse is discussing the use of methadone with a newly licensed nurse. A. A. Somatization disorder - manifests as a pain syndrome with a significant loss of or alteration in physical function that mimics a physical, which club drug is structurally similar to GABA? These are questions I ask all of the patients I see. You asked the patient: Do you have any difficulty with your breathing? used the therapeutic technique of giving information. A. pancreatitis and elevated liver enzymes B. dopamine appropriate to ask the patient about when he felt his best. B. restrain the client E. encourage the client to talk about this situation, A client has lost emotional and physical control. E. restlessness, A nurse is planning care for a client who is experiencing benzodiazepine withdrawal. D. "at what weight do you believe you will look better?" C. Affective instability interviewing is a good intervention with alcohol use disorder as it promotes a You asked the patient: Do you have any pain? "what is your relationship like with your family?" C. attempts to convince other clients to give him their belongings B. older adults commonly use rationalization to cope with a substance use disorder Which client response would indicate to the nurse that the client engages in anger suppression? You asked if the patient had any known allergies. The client will experience increased self-esteem. Which term would the nurse most likely use? 143 terms. D. History of depression, A client has a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and lives at home with the client's parents. Which of the following actions should the nurse identify as the priority? Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps.pdf - Course Hero B. physical aggression begin 4 to 12 hours after cessation of alcohol intake. B. revictimization The client is shouting, screaming, hitting others and throwing objects. B. splitting You checked scene safety. A. You asked the patient: Where is your pain located? "life isn't worth living if I gain weight" C. place the client on a regular toileting schedule "would you like to have your family come visit you in your room today?" Now is my chance to help others. The patient said: It is Ketamine C . D. offer medication as the solution to the outburst, A client tells the nurse that the client has strong urges to damage property as a result of feelings of hostility and anger. He makes me want to hurt him back." patient said: It's about a 4. When treated with thiamine, the client's symptoms greatly improve. The class also includes a review of the anatomy and physiology of the neurological system. "I am here so we can talk about what is making you angry" D. "each dose of this medication should be placed under my tongue to dissolve", A nurse is teaching a client who has tobacco use disorder about the use of nicotine gum. (select all that apply) D. becomes agitated if his personal area is not neat and orderly You answered: Of all the concerns you have, which is the most upsetting to you? You asked the patient: How would you rate your pain, on a scale of 0 to 10? Andrew Davis VSIM guided reflection.docx - Mental Health used the therapeutic technique of seeking clarification. Which safety measures must the nurse ensure are in place prior to continuing the assessment? C. cultural norms determine the behaviors that are associated with personality disorders Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. restrain the client A. D. Paranoid personality disorder. C. "I am sure your anger would be reduced by punching the pillows" Which factor would be predictive of a client becoming aggressive or violent? D. "when I look in the mirror, I see myself as obese", A nurse is performing an admission assessment of a client who has bulimia nervosa with purging behavior. C. respiratory rate of 11 breaths/minute The child has severe uncontrollable temper outburst and repeatedly bangs the head on the wall or door. B. diazepam B. D. "methadone increases the risk for acetaldehyde syndrome" Why are you asking me so many questions? A. Introverted 3,4 - methylendedioxymethamphetamine B . use that makes some patients more susceptible to having diminished self-control "relationship counseling can be very helpful" You introduced yourself. Which would the nurse include in the education plan for this client and family? "we need to explore what makes you want to hit people when you are angry" C. observe the client for nonverbal indicators Attempt to discuss placing the client into an assisted living environment vSim Pre Simulation Quiz - Linda Waterfield. in this hospital because my wife said I couldn't come home. -hydroxybutyrate D . A. lithium C. withdrawal "Temperament is malleable." B. diazepam B. impulsivity A. mindfulness A. patient reports ringing in his ears C. catharsis of anger vSim Andrew Davis: Alcohol Withdrawal Preview 2 out of 5 pages Getting your document ready. C. mottling of the skin D. delirium, The nurse should consider which as a possible indicator of child neglect? C. Narcissistic personality disorder A. culture is not a consideration when evaluating behaviors associated with personality disorders The patient said: Yes, I have some pain. The client has a serious and formal demeanor. D. speak to the client in a firm voice, A client with aggressive behavior shows no psychotic symptoms. You used the therapeutic technique of focusing. B. use increased doses of medication to reach a desired effect B. establish consequences for purging behavior You answered: A headache is a normal symptom of alcohol withdrawal. B. assess and record heart rate every 4 hours E. "she needs to discuss her feelings about substance use to help her recover", A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has alcohol use disorder and a new prescription for carbamazepine. The nurse judges the plan of care to be effective when which outcome is met? 6:12 You asked the patient: Please tell me what today's date is. A. auditory hallucinations Andrew Davis- vSim Scenario Steps The patient said: My appetite has been about the same. A. amenorrhea "most often, neither families nor friends are willing and capable of managing the patient during the withdrawal" Which clinical manifestations confirm that a patient is experiencing Stage I (mild) of alcohol withdrawal syndrome? C. Promoting social ostracism of the client's exhibiting manipulation \nYou used the nontherapeutic Disturbed thought process A. show an increased tolerance for frustration D. restricting patient to the room, Which nursing interventions would best assess Mr. Davis's safety issues if his CIWA-Ar score were to rise to 8 or above? A. lorazepam symptom of alcohol withdrawal. It was correct to check scene safety in order to maintain your own safety. had with friends or family with substance use disorder will affect these There are guidelines for low-risk use of Which of the following questions should the nurse include in the assessment? Mr. Davis has been prescribed an oral benzodiazepine to assist in managing his withdrawal symptoms should his CIWA-Ar score rise to 8 or above. A. diarrhea B. rinse out the mouth immediately before chewing the gum The nurse should plan to assess the client for symptoms of which mental health condition? vSim for Nursing scenarios are authored by the NLN and are also included in Lippincott nursing textbooks, allowing students to follow their patient cases as they evolve. How do generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) differ from the laws of mathematics? The client also talks in a loud voice. A. Passive-aggressive pain. Which statement by the nurse demonstrates appropriate offering of choices? Other sets by this creator. A. cause behavioral dysfunction and inner distress B. the client has increased self-esteem 3,4 - methylendedioxymethamphetamine B . A. scurvy 7:50 You asked the patient: Do you ever see or hear things that other people do not? You asked the patient: Is it OK for your family to be here, while we talk? The Which healthcare professional should the nurse contact to collect evidence of the assault? B. odd D. lying, A client with a history of angry outbursts that have caused interpersonal and work problems has been in counseling for several months. A. Affective instability You checked scene safety. Ecstasy 2.Select all the criteria for what is considered "At-Risk, L. J. is a 55-year-old male who attended a funeral and found himself laughing during the service, but later that evening he was irritated with himself for what he had done. B. fine tremors of both hands Motivational C. "he doesn't like it when I go out with my girlfriends" 15 years These are questions I ask all of the patients I see. David Carter Part One vSim Scenario Steps.pdf, Li Na Chen Part 2 vSim Scenario Steps.pdf, Feedback Log & Score Andrew DavisMay 28, 2020 3_48 PM.pdf, Andrew Davis Documentation Assignment.docx, In Part 1 you will set up the network topology and configure basic settings such, much the same This can help us to interpret financial and other information, 13 When admitting a patient who has a tumor of the right frontal lobe the nurse, Salespeople are exposed to lesser ethical pressures than individuals in many, specialized media will obtain greater coverage of their products Therefore the, Treatment DDAVP synthetic desmopressin increases factor VIII activity Causes 2, labs in parochial schools would be fine As noted earlier Agostini would mean, REPRIORITIZED LIST for 2023 Advert HEADINGS FINAL_102547.pdf, The minimum distance to the obstacle to hear an echo is V is speed of sound in, QUESTION 61 1. ", Which term is used to describe an activity used to release anger? ", A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a female client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). A. Splitting E. difficulty understanding why it is inappropriate to have a personal relationship with staff, A nurse is preparing to obtain a nursing history from a client who has a new diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. B. discuss with the family the need to place the client in restraints \nYou used the therapeutic technique of focusing. (select all that apply) B. Which is the nurse trying to prevent? love_ces_sylvain. The patient said: Seven. A. D. alcoholic dementia, Which term describes a situation that occurs when very small amounts of alcohol intoxicates the person after continued heavy drinking? C. inform client that the nurse is in charge of situation D. expressive anger, During which phase of the aggression cycle does the client regain physical and emotional control? 10:44 You said: Does the light appear to be too bright? A. lorazepam A. experiencing tactile disturbances The client describes a long history of partner abuse associated with this relationship. E. acamprosate, A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new prescription for clonidine to assist with maintenance of abstinence from opioids. B. ask the wife to provide details about what she means by "all his time" A. 0 Comments D. Exuberant. vsim mental health case: andrew davis documentation assignments document your findings related to the focused assessment of mr. alcohol withdrawal symptoms. imperative that nurses recognize symptoms and provide early pharmacologic D. Dichotomous thinking, A nurse caring for a client with borderline personality disorder (BPD) consistently informs the client of the length of the relationship and routinely prepares the client for termination and the end of hospitalization. A. demonstrates extreme anxiety when placed in a social situation A. A. Antisocial personality C. Self-harm A. B. C. ask the husband to discuss why he spends so much time with his friends B. hunger and thirst A. What symptom of alcohol withdrawal syndrome would be the most urgent for the nurse to address? 11:42 You said: Is the light's color different? ", A nurse is working with a client who has lost unit privileges due to inappropriate behavior. Language Proficiency Assessment Committee. What term refers to the collection of symptoms that are associated with untreated alcohol withdrawal? Andrew Davis Age: 56 years Diagnosis: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Score 2 1 0 85% Feedback Log 0:00 Patient 0:00 You checked scene safety.